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Graphic Design That Sells!

Graphic design is not fine art. It’s not subjective. The best graphic designers know they are commercial artists working for their clients. They know their graphic design work is about creating sales and marketing tools for businesses, not about expressing themselves.

If you’re seeking Graphic Design Services, nothing is more important than selecting a company that embraces this distinction. Whether you need graphic design services for a brochure, a website or product packaging, you’re looking for a company that is focused on delivering designs that sell.

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Graphic Design is Controlling Eye Movement

The best Graphic designers in Las Vegas know how to create designs that get users to look where they should, and in the correct order. That’s our primary focus at OnlinePrinting.Vegas. We know it’s all about controlling eye movement.

Balancing fonts, colors and images to direct the user’s eye effectively is an art. While there are guidelines and best practices, there is no set formula to follow as each layout has unique challenges and objectives.

Images, colors, and fonts are the three primary elements that direct the user’s eye. Generally, people look at images first. That’s why we usually place a headline below a large image. This ensures the user can consume the page content from top to bottom without their eye having to change direction (looking at the image, and then back up at the headline, then back down to the body copy).

Creating an Emotional Connection with Graphic Design

Common mistakes include using too many page elements that compete for attention, or using fonts and colors that pull the eye away from important content. Only an experienced graphic design studio can help clients steer clear of these pitfalls.

Engaging consumers with graphic design is all about creating an emotional connection. If your target “feels something” they are much more likely to recall the experience and develop an affinity for your product or service.

This passion inspires designs that are rooted in emotion. OnlinePrinting.Vegas uses powerful images combined with fonts the express the soul of the brand and blend together to create that all important emotional connection.

Consumers are also passionate about their lifestyles and will engage with content that is relevant to them. In the featured design for SeaVee Boats, we focused on using images, colors and fonts that allow consumers to picture themselves using the product to live their dreams.

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